It's been a little over two months since I sent my manuscript to the agent that requested it, and today I finally felt brave enough to poke. After all, two months is their waiting period for query letters, right? Admittedly, the logic says that since a manuscript is more than a hundred times longer than a query letter I should, in fact, wait more than two hundred months before poking but I don't have that kind of patience. The world is ending in 2012 isn't it? I want to officially be an author before then.
Both my second and third reader have finished the book and gotten back to me. They both agree that it is too short, something I had been worrying about a bit myself in the recent weeks. I do intend the second book to be longer, but maybe if they turn out to be about the same length I can package them together as two volumes of the first book. The only problem with that is the second book might not end in a place which offers any more answers than the first.
I feel like my strategy now is to just sit around and wait. Keep writing, keep hoping, keep talking about my book but in the grand scheme just sit around and wait for things to happen. It's the most frustrating part of the process. I just want to know what tomorrow will bring. No, I want tomorrow to be today, or best yet; yesterday.